Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Why men should not be allowed to decide anything about abortion

Men should not be allowed to be involved in the abortion debate. I am sorry to say this, but it has to be said. Men will never have to worry about getting pregnant, having to decide whither or not to have that child or abort it and will never have the responsibility to be a mother. Therefore, men, regardless of their position on abortion, should not have a say in the debate.
I am tired of men, especially white men, trying to decide what women of all races, religions and economic backgrounds should do with their bodies. Every man from the Supreme Court judges to President Bush needs to shut up about the topic. Let it stand where it is and stop trying to overturn it. I am willing to bet that a majority of women want abortion to remain safe and legal.
I saw this video on youtube and then went to the website that promoted it and found the website very informational and helpful.
But in the video, a lot of the pro-life people were men, which got me upset and were the reason for writing this blog. Men will never know the choices that women make, so they need to stop pretending.
Also, a lot of women agree with me that it is a woman’s decision to have the abortion or the baby. Even in the case of rape or incest. Now, in cases like that, I would think an abortion should be conducted, but I will never tell a woman that she should or should not have an abortion anytime.
I recognize that some women regret their abortions but a lot of other women do not. It is true that some women get infections or are later become infertile because of an abortion. But these cases are rare and women always have and always will continue to have abortions, so we as a society need to make sure that if and when they do, they are receiving the safest way to have the procedure done and it should be done by a trained medical professional and not some person with a coat hanger.

Friday, March 23, 2007

States should not automatically outlaw abortions

Mississippi today decided that in the event that Roe v. Wade became overturned, the state would not allow abortions for any reason other than rape or when it endangers the health of the mother. It does not have a provision for rape or incest.
This is so disgusting to see, that states are now writing laws in case the Supreme Court overturns that law. I find it sickening to think that the majority of people in politics who make this decision are men, people who will never have to worry about getting pregnant.
But no matter what the law saws, women are always going to get abortions, legal or not. It was seen in the days before the court decision with women getting abortions with hangers. The dangers of hanging abortions were one reason why the court thought it was safer to have doctors providing abortions.
Well, they are right. If abortions are going to take place, then medical professionals should be overseeing them and not some person on the street who has done one or two of them before.
If women start having backdoor abortions again, then more women are going to start to get infections, get really sick and possibly die from them. States that are outlawing abortions should maybe think about this instead of what they think their “good Christian values,” say to them.

Alcohol and tobacco are more dangerous than some illegal drugs

Alcohol is more dangerous than cannabis, LSD and ecstasy and is just as harmful as heroin and tobacco. This is probably not a surprise to some while it may surprise others. But it should not be surprising.
Marijuana was ranked the 11th most dangerous drug, ranked behind alcohol who was fifth. And yet it is alcohol that is legal while pot remains illegal. In fact, tobacco and alcohol are just behind heroin as some of the most dangerous drugs on the planet.
The fact that alcohol and tobacco remain legal is not the problem that I have, it is the fact that these others remain illegal. If the drugs that are illegal became legal, then the government can regulate and tax them, which means they would be safer and the government would make money on them. Plus if the drugs were legal, then crime would go down because the supply would not come from cartels but pharmacies.
The fact that these drugs, especially marijuana, which has the possibility of helping cancer patients with their pain, is still illegal, is beyond belief.

Birth control should be covered under health insurance

Birth control is costing college girls more money because of a complex change to the Medicaid rebate law. This is so such a bad idea because it means that girls who cannot afford birth control while they are in college are going to have more unprotected sex. It is idiotic to think that just because girls do not have birth control, they are not going to have sex. College students have sex, regardless if you think they should or not.
I personally think that it is very mature of these college students to be using birth control and hopefully they are using more than just oral contraceptives. Hopefully they still use condoms and other forms of contraceptives.
But to charge an outrages sum for birth control is a disgrace. First, birth control should be covered by your health insurance provider and not be paid for out of pocket. If it were cheaper and easier to get to, more people would use it and less unwanted pregnancies would happen.
I do not understand why pro-life people are so against birth control. They are idiots. If people have sex with birth control, they will most likely not get pregnant and then not have an abortion. It makes sense, but then those people say that they do not like birth control use either. I just do not understand it.
But I can guarantee that if birth control was covered by Medicare, more people would use it and less unwanted pregnancies would happen.

The importance of a regular check up

The announcement made by 2008 Presidential Candidate John Edwards that his wife’s cancer has returned is troubling. Yes it is horrible for Mrs. Edwards to have, but it also shows that even when people think that they beat cancer, it can come back.
Mrs. Edwards first had breast cancer but thought she was given a clean bill of health in 2006. However, it was revealed today that she now has metastasis and the cancer has spread to her bone and maybe a spot on her lung.
Even though I would never wish this on anyone, it is good to point out to people the dangers of cancer and other diseases have on people. We all thought this woman was cured and had nothing else wrong with her. Well sadly, she does and now it looks like her disease is not unable to be cured.
She is very lucky to be able to afford the treatment that will be required to fight this disease, but not everyone has that kind of funds. What should be remembered is to keep exercising, eating healthy and getting the recommended check ups. To Mrs. Edwards, good luck and I hope you get better.

Exercising with a partner is more productive

There is a new study that is out that says seniors prefer to exercise alone because it helps them with their confidence. They do not want to look at younger people who are either in shape or have a much easier time working out on the machines.
Well I understand that reasoning, studies have shown that people who either work out with a trainer or a buddy experience better results.
Obviously, when you work with a trainer, you will receive a better workout session than if you workout alone. The reason is simple, the trainer is a professional and knows what needs to be done to your body to get it back in shape. The trainer pushed you to workout properly and makes you exercise all the different areas of your body. But he or she also gives you the emotional support that is so important when a person is self-conscious about working out.
This is also why working out with a friend is even more helpful. Granted, they probably do not know as mush about health as a professional trainer does, but they will offer you emotional and physical support to help you work out to your potential. You will most likely not be self-conscious about your work out routine and your body.
Well I think it is helpful to workout alone because you will not spend a lot of time socializing, you will probably not be pushed as hard as you would with a friend of trainer. Therefore, if you want a better workout, then you had better workout

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Weight gain can kill a man's sex drive

Gaining weight is unhealthy on many levels. It hurts your heart, your lungs your arteries, your back and many other things. But now it can harm your sex life.
I read that if a man gains too much weight, it can accelerate the decline in testosterone levels that accompanies again. Not only does the loss of testosterone hurt a man’s sexual drive, it can also contribute to health problems such as diabetes, loss of bone and muscle mass.
A report that I found on the topic said that increasing a man’s bodily mass index or BMI is equivalent to again 10 years.
I believe that weight gain is one of the most dangerous things that our society is facing. Not only does obesity have devastating effects of our children but now we see how it has a tragic effect on adults too.
The loss of sexual activity is a big thing for adults. Sex is more than just sex. It is a great form of exercise, it is very relaxing mentally and physically and if you are in marriage or a long term relationship, sex is needed to stay happy.
This report is just another indication that we as a society are getting too fat and how it is threatening our health.